Lake Township emlpoys a third party entity for buildng inspections and permits.
Building Inpection Underwriters currently holds this position.
BIU has an office in the Lehman Township Municpal Building located on old Route 115 with full-time office hours.
Permits can be found on their website or picked up and dropped off at their location or here at the Township buiding.
Please be aware that not all contractors will comply with building codes!!
If you are having work done in your home it is wise to get a written contract that requires them to perform all work in accordance with building codes.
Accessory buildings that are one story and less than 1000 square feet do NOT require a permit.
Reshingling a roof without restructuring involved does NOT require a permit.
Permits ARE required for demolition of a structure.
If you are unsure if your project requires a permit you can contact the Township building at 570-639-2828 or BIU at 570-344-9681
Building/Electric Plumbing/Mechanical